Cockroach Nest: How to Find and Completely Destroy Them

Cockroaches are one of the most common pests in North America. They can be found anywhere, from homes and apartments to restaurants and office buildings. We get scared when we see cockroaches in our house. We go after the thought of how many companions there are in the house. If you see a cockroach nest in your house, it will be the scariest experience for you! Don’t worry if we can find its house, then we can get rid of them very easily. But the fear is that if we don’t find it or don’t pay much attention to it, what will happen? It’s going to be horrible and I don’t want it to happen at all. So I’m going to tell you in detail what to do if you see or find cockroaches or cockroach nests. 


Cockroach Identificationcockroach identifications


The cockroach is the only insect that can survive a nuclear explosion. They are very hardy critters and can live for up to two weeks without their heads! Cockroaches have existed on the planet for more than 300 million years and there are more than 4000 species of them in the world.

The most common types of cockroach are:

  • German cockroaches
  • American cockroaches
  • Brown-banded cockroaches
  • Oriental cockroaches
  • Smokey-brown cockroaches

Cockroaches come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny, one-quarter-inch-long (0.64 cm) German cockroaches to giant cockroaches measuring six inches long (15 cm). The most common type of cockroach found in the United States is the American cockroach. Brown-banded cockroaches are common in the southern United States, while oriental cockroaches are typically found in the north. Smokey-brown cockroaches are tropical cockroach that is occasionally found in warm, humid areas of the United States. Oriental banded cockroaches are tropical cockroach that is occasionally found in warm, moist areas of the United States.

Related article: Noticed a Baby Roach? Quick Action Is Required NOW!


Cockroach Reproduction  

Cockroaches reproduce by a process called parthenogenesis, which is the development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg. Cockroach eggs are deposited in capsules that are glued to surfaces near food and water sources. A single female roach may lay up to eight eggs in her lifetime. capsules, each containing about 30 eggs. The eggs will emerge in around two weeks and the nymphs undergo six moults before becoming adults. Cockroaches can live up to a year so a single nest could produce hundreds of cockroaches and that’s why cockroach nest is so big.


What Attracts Cockroaches?

cockroach eat

Cockroaches are drawn to food, moisture, and darkness. They can be found near leaks or water sources, as well as in areas with a lot of garbage or clutter. If you see one cockroach, it’s likely that there are others nearby. That’s why taking action is essential if you think you have a cockroach problem! They don’t carry food like ants to cockroach nests.


Why Are Cockroaches Problematic? 

cockroach problem

Cockroaches are known to carry bacteria, viruses, and parasites on their bodies. They can spread diseases such as salmonella, dysentery, and gastroenteritis to humans when they touch food or utensils. Cockroaches are known to induce allergic responses in certain people, especially children. If you think that your home is infested with cockroach nests, then get rid of them right away before they spread sickness and make your life miserable! 


What Is A Cockroach Nest?

A cockroach nest is an aggregation of cockroaches, typically found in sheltered and dark areas. Nests are often made of paper, cardboard, or fabric. Cockroaches use their saliva to glue these materials together. Nests can be found under furniture, behind baseboards, and in other similar locations. Roaches will build nests in areas that provide refuge and are near to sources of sustenance, such as sewers. If you open a cockroach nest, you’ll almost certainly find many roaches, both alive and dead. In addition, you’ll discover roach poop, moulted skins, and roach egg pods on the floor. 


What Does A Cockroach Nest Look Like?

what does cockroach nest look like

Cockroach nests can be identified by their characteristic smell and the presence of cockroaches, droppings, eggs and moulted skins. Nests are typically made from paper, cardboard or fabric products that have been glued together with the pests’ saliva. Look for these materials in dark, sheltered areas near food and water sources. If you open a nest, many live roaches will likely scurry out as well as some dead ones. You may also find cockroach poop or egg pods on the floor nearby!


What Does A Cockroach Nest Smell Like?

Cockroach nests have a very distinct, unpleasant smell that is caused by the cockroaches’ droppings. This smell gets worse as the nest matures and more cockroaches die. In addition, bacteria and mould will grow in the moist environment of the nest, contributing to the foul odor. The smell of their nest can be pretty powerful and often permeates through walls and floors. It is one of the easiest ways to identify a cockroach infestation.


How Many Cockroaches Live in a Nest?

It is possible for a cockroach colony to have anywhere from just a few dozens to many hundred alive and dead cockroaches in residence. No matter how several cockroaches you uncover, a very sound nest is a sure indicator of a significant infestation. They multiply quickly and may establish enormous colonies in a matter of a few weeks. The number of cockroaches that live in a nest varies depending on the size of the nest and how many cockroaches are present in the area. A small cockroach nest will typically contain around 50-100 roaches, while a large one can have up to 1000 or more. In most cases, there is a high mortality rate among cockroaches in nests, so the actual number of living roaches is usually lower than the total population. 


Cockroach Nest Materials

Cockroaches have been found to use a variety of materials to construct their nests, including paper, cardboard, cloth, hair, straw, and even feces. They mix these materials with saliva to create a sticky substance that holds the nest together. The type of material used depends on what is available in the environment where the cockroaches live. In urban areas, cockroaches often build their nests out of newspaper or other discarded paper products. If there is a lot of moisture present, they may use cloth or fabric instead. Nests made from human hair are particularly common in tropical climates where cockroaches thrive.


How Many Nests Do Roaches Make? 

Cockroaches typically make one nest at a time, but they can create multiple nests if the population is large and the food and water sources are plentiful. There seem to be no limits to the number of nests that a cockroach can build. They do not build a visible nest, like some other insects, but rather aggregate in large groups around a food source. It is probable that, if the food source runs out, they will relocate to another area close to their current position. 


How Long Does It Take Cockroaches To Make Their Nest?

Actually, cockroaches do not build their nest. They just attractant pheromones that attract other roaches to the exact location when they find food, is a pile of dirt totally.


Where Do Roaches Like To Live?

Cockroaches are very adaptable creatures, and they can live almost anywhere. They prefer warm, humid places like under sinks or basements, but they also thrive outdoors where plenty of food and water is available. Cockroaches will eat anything from crumbs to toothpaste; They even prefer paper products! Some of the most prominent cockroach species, such as the Oriental and even more giant American roach, are tiny enough to fit into cracks and holes you may not have seen before. They’ll also make their home under rugs and mats. Small species can even slip through cracks in loose wallpaper and exploit the cramped room as a safe haven.


How Long Does Cockroach Nest Last? 

It can vary in size from small clusters of eggs to large colonies with hundreds of thousands of members. Some cockroach species reproduce only once per year, while others reproduce several times throughout their lifetime (up to eight months). The life cycle consists of two stages: egg-laying females laying eggs that hatch into nymphs (baby roaches) after a few weeks. The nymphs then undergo a series of moults, becoming adults after the final moult. Cockroach nests can last from days to years, depending on the colony’s size and available food sources.


How Many Roaches Count As An Infestation?

cockroach nest

Whether you’ve noticed cockroaches in or near your home or yard on more than one occasion, this is most likely a danger sign. This indicates that they have discovered a suitable habitat. As a result, either an infestation has already occurred or one is on its way. Stay optimistic to the smallest of clues. Roach egg or skin shedding is among the most apparent indications of cockroach infestation. The presence of eggs and skin shedding indicates that the entire cockroach life span is taking place in this location. It also claims that they have discovered a location where they may even prepare for the next generation, to put it another way. 


There are several signs of cockroach nests:

  • Cockroach droppings
  • Cockroaches are seen during the daytime; 
  •  Cockroaches clustered together;
  • Running rapidly
  • Dead cockroaches
  • Shed skin
  • Black spots or smudges
  • Egg cases (ootheca)

If you see any of these signs, it is likely that there is a nest present.


How To Find a Cockroach Nest

Seeing even a single cockroach in your home might indicate an infestation, with hundreds more cockroaches perhaps hiding behind the walls. As a result, if you notice a roach in your home, you should investigate whether there is a roach nest nearby. The excrement of cockroaches is among the most evident symptoms of their presence. Roach feces are extremely small and resemble peppercorns or coffee grounds in appearance. If there is an infestation, roach excrement will become more visible in locations with a lot of activity, indicating that the nest is close by.


Where To Find Them In Your House

Cockroaches like moist environments that are both secure from people and near enough to food supplies such as meal leftovers or other delights such as sewage. It’s not unusual for them all to be hiding away when you least expect it.


How To Find A Cockroach In Your Room

In the corner of your room, under the bed or sofa, or in the cupboard, you should always check! These are very important places for cockroach nests!



roach in bathroom

These stubborn bugs have a lot of hiding places in the toilet. Cockroaches are often found in bathrooms, as this room tends to be warm and humid. Cockroaches prefer dark, moist environments and will nest in areas like the crevices of sinks and toilets. Algae, Fungi, Soap residue, and Toilet paper are all food sources in the bathroom. They can travel through the sewage system and even reach your neighbors. In notable places, you will find cockroach nest.



cockroach in kitchen

Cockroaches can also be found in kitchens, as this is another room that tends to be warm and humid. They may nest in cabinet interiors or between the refrigerator and wall. Cockroaches also love food scraps, so clean up any spills or crumbs immediately.

You have to check cupboards and cabinets cause they like quiet places. So don’t forget to see any corner containing food packets and dishes you haven’t used in a long time.

Behind appliances. Cockroaches can find their way into the home by making nests behind appliances because there are massive hidden places in a big kitchen. The refrigerator and freezer provide the heat that certain cockroaches need, while the dishwashing provides the wetness they require.

In appliances. They can easily take their place even in small kitchens also. Coffee machines, toasters, blenders, and more can all be examples of useless household appliances. 


Cockroach Nest In Fridge

This is a very common place for them. You should always check the bottom particle of the fridge. Sometimes nests are also found on the fridge. This is horrible, I know! 

You will find a cockroach nest in all of the notable places in the kitchen.



Perfect place for a cockroach nest. Cockroaches sometimes find their way into basements, especially if there’s an opening from the outside. They may nest in crawl spaces or around pipes. Newspapers, books, and cardboard are all favorites of cockroach chewers. As the infection goes on, the damage it does becomes more apparent. 


In Laundry rooms

If there is not enough food, they also make their home there. Based on information from the University of Minnesota, cockroaches are omnivores and can eat just about everything. Glue, Leather, and Cloth fibers may all be found in a laundry room for them to feast on. Be careful and remind that Cockroaches are able to thrive on cardboard boxes and similar items. They have free access to the pipes because of the holes that allow them to do so. Please don’t give them a chance to build a cockroach nest.



Cockroaches can enter your home through drains. Floor drains provide a safe haven for cockroaches and a convenient source of food and water. They usually avoid drains unless they haven’t been utilized for a lengthy period of time. So it’s essential to keep these areas clean and clear. Keep downpipes out of the way by filling up any gaps surrounding them.



Cockroaches may also nest in furniture, especially if it’s made of wood. The brown-banded cockroach is by far the most common type of roach in household furnishings. It’s essential to vacuum furniture on a regular basis and make sure it’s dry. 



Cockroaches can also find their way into cars, especially if there’s an opening from the outside. They may nest in the engine compartment or the crevices of seats and door panels. Roaches are most commonly seen in the back or behind seats, in the trunk, under the floor mats,  and in the spare tire compartment of automobiles. 



The American roach has been the most prevalent species outside the home. They’ll most typically be discovered in the yard, but also be aware that if the weather gets chilly, they’ll gladly pack their belongings and go into the home.


Cockroach Nest in Garden

Dirt often accumulates around our garden and also under the walls. Cockroaches are likely to nest in those areas. So we have to keep our garden clean at all times. There is no way to make a pile of dirt. Because after nesting in the garden, they will attack our house!


How To Get Rid Of Cockroach Nests

Cockroaches travel swiftly, so if you locate in your house, you must act soon. They’ll start a new nest somewhere else in your house after getting away. Take the following steps immediately.


Spray Pesticides And Insecticides 

how to get rid of cockroach nest

The best way to kill a cockroach colony is by spraying the nest with chemicals. This will destroy all of those coated in your spray, although some may have become immune over time and survive this treatment process.

A quick solution for getting rid of them? Spray their homes!


Set Up Traps And Baits


Cockroach infestations can be reduced by using traps and bait stations. These stations mix a food supply with pesticides that kill slowly. After eating the poisonous food, a cockroach will return to its nest and disseminate the pesticide to other cockroaches. These can be useful if any further nests haven’t been discovered.


Cockroach Nest Killer

Fossilized algae are the source of the natural pesticide known as diatomaceous earth. All insects with exoskeletons are poisoned by it. If you want to get rid of cockroaches quickly, this won’t do the trick. Due to dehydration, the cockroaches will die within a few days to weeks of application.


Clean Up Everything 

kitchen clean

Clean up everything, including the little cracks and crevices where they might be hiding. Egg capsules, dead roaches, droppings, cockroach nymphs, every little thing you watch clean it. This will ensure that the infestation is completely eradicated. After that, use bleach to remove the “death aroma” from the area. The presence of pheromones reduces the area’s appeal to other cockroaches. 


Block The Source 

Block the source s of water. Cockroaches need water to survive, and they can stay alive for a long time without food. Cockroaches often get their water from the air, so you should try to eliminate humidity in your home as much as possible by using exhaust fans when cooking or taking showers. If this is not enough, consider using a dehumidifier. Finally, ensure there are no leaky pipes or other water sources that the cockroaches can access. Block those sources that they can enter. Cockroaches can make their way into your home through tiny cracks and crevices. Cockroach-proofing involves sealing these gaps with caulk or other sealant materials. Cockroaches are constantly on the go, so you should also be careful about bringing them inside from outside. When coming in from outside, I always check my clothes and shoes for any roaches that might be hitchhiking. So, We should always create a hostile environment for cockroach nests.


Anti Cockroach Plants

anti cockroach plants

There are some plants that repel cockroaches, so you can place them around your home to help keep them away. These plants include lavender, bay leaves, citronella, and eucalyptus. You can also use essential oils from these plants to make a homemade repellent.


Call A Professionals!


If all else fails, you can always call a professional pest control service to care for your problem. Cockroaches are one of the most challenging pests to eliminate, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. A professional can assess the situation and recommend the best course of action.

Related article: “Cockroach Exterminator: How to Hire the Best One!.”


How To Prevent Cockroach Nest

“Prevention is better than cure” you heard this proverb and you know what to do. It is better to get rid of the problem completely than to get into it again and again. So follow the steps :



Cockroach-proofing your house is one of the best ways to keep them from coming in. Cockroaches are constantly on the go and can enter through small cracks or crevices around your home. Cockroach-proofing involves sealing these gaps with caulk or other sealant materials and keeping an eye out for any new holes that may arise over time. If you do that properly, you will not see any cockroach nests in your home.


Fix The Broken Pipes And Other Fixtures

As long as the food is available, cockroaches can go 30 days without it, but without water, they will die in 2 weeks. You’ll have to move them if you don’t mend their leaky plumbing and damaged fixtures.


Cover Floor Drains

Cockroaches can quickly enter your home through floor drains, so it’s essential to cover them up with a fine mesh screen. This will prevent them from getting inside and help keep other pests out of your home. 


Regularly Vacuum And Sweep Floors

cockroach nest killer

Cockroaches are attracted to food particles and moisture, so regular vacuuming and sweeping will help reduce the population of cockroaches in your home. Be careful to remove the vacuum bag’s contents immediately after use.


Use Bait Stations

Cockroach bait stations contain poison that kills cockroaches over time. They can be placed near areas where cockroaches are known to congregate, such as under sinks or in cabinets.  


Keep Leftover Food In Sealed Containers

leftovers food

Cockroaches are attracted to food, so keeping your kitchen clean and tidy is essential and storing all food in sealed containers. This will help reduce the population of cockroaches in your home.


Place Roach Traps Around Your Home

Roach traps contain a sticky substance that catches cockroaches when they walk across it. They can be placed near areas where cockroaches congregate, such as under sinks or in cabinets.


Dispose of Your Garbage Regularly

Cockroaches are attracted to food, so it’s essential to dispose of your trash regularly. If you do that, you will surely not see a cockroach nest. 



Cockroaches can be a nuisance, and if you’re unlucky enough to have their nest in your home, they can be difficult to get rid of. We hope this article provides the information you need to find and completely destroy a cockroach nest. If you have any questions or want more advice, please let me know how helpful the article is.



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